On a seemingly normal day a young lady experiences a number of frightening incidents ― but are they real or imagined? She flees to the safety of her parent’s home in the country, but her problems are only just beginning...
Principal photography: 1995
Format: Super 8
Runtime: 28 minutes
Genre: Thriller
Sydney 1952 … A private investigator is shanghaied into a web of lies and deceit following the murder of a wealthy businessman.
Principal photography: 2005
Format: Super 16
Runtime: 18 minutes
Genre: Film noir
Awards: Best Music for a Short Film, Australian Screen Music Awards 2008
fate /fet/ n. The principal, power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events, such that they are inevitable.
Principal photography: 2010
Format: RED
Runtime: 5 minutes
Genre: Experimental
AFTRS graduating film